What do AviRings Derby PRO and racing pigeon competitions in China have in common?
The pigeon racing scene in China has experienced remarkable growth, transforming into a major industry within a short period. Despite the national racing association celebrating just its 40th anniversary last year, the sport has already established itself as a highly competitive and lucrative endeavor. The emphasis is on racing young birds over distances of 500 km, with an intensive focus on One Loft Races (OLRs).
Key Highlights:
Scale of Competition: Over 500 registered OLRs nationwide.
Around 300 OLRs begin the season with more than 10,000 pigeons each.
The racing programs are divided into summer and winter seasons, ensuring year-round activity.
Focus on Long-Distance Races:Young bird competitions are concentrated on 500 km races.
OLR programs typically include four races, all exceeding 500 km.
Auctions: Top-performing pigeons (ace birds) in these long-distance races are highly valuable.
Such birds are often sold at auctions for significant sums, fueling the sport's growth and popularity.
Global Influence: China's pigeon racing has drawn inspiration from traditional European practices while incorporating innovative approaches.
The AviRings Derby Pro 2025 combines traditional European pigeon racing with modern approaches from China and other regions. It respects Europe's rich history in the sport while adopting the best global practices to create a forward-thinking vision for the future of OLR pigeon racing.