Race: Race 1 (121.18 km)

Winner: Combinatie van Wanrooij , NL-2024-2434461

Location :

HU-Balatonoszöd (46° 47' 47" - 17° 49' 35")

Number of pigeons :


Time of release :

04/08/2024 07:45:00

1st Race Details:

  • Date: August 4, 2024
  • Number of Pigeons: 1,930
  • Distance: 121 km
  • Release Time: 7:45 AM
  • Weather: Clearing clouds in the morning, temperature slightly above 20°C
  • Conditions: Favorable for higher speed due to temperature and diminishing clouds; bad weather expected to arrive from Austria (north-west side)

Race Outcome:

  • First Pigeon Arrival: 9:16 AM
  • Flight Duration of First Pigeon: 91 minutes
  • Speed of First Pigeon: 1,327 meters per minute
  • Winner: Combination van Wanrooij with pigeon NL-2024-2434461
  • Pigeons Arrived on First Day: 1,794
  • Pigeons Arrived the Next Day: Remaining pigeons arrived the following day, till 9:30 AM day after, additional 45 pigeons returned home!

Big Congratulations: To the winner, Combination van Wanrooij, for their pigeon NL-2024-2434461's outstanding performance.

TOP 10

1. NL-2024-2434461 ; Combinatie van Wanrooij ; 1327,56 m/min; 09:16:16.613

2. SLO-2024-115-1044 Robert Robnik; 1326,90 m/min; 09:16:19.370

3.  AUT-2024-609-2 Marco Gratzer ; 1326,30 m/min; 09:16:22.006

4. DV-2024-0173-1018 Florian Techel; 1326,06 m/min; 09:16:22.936

5. NL-2024-8201971 Pleiter-Kolkman; 1325,82 m/min; 09:16:23.846

6. HU-2024-14-82401 Tamas Wagner; 1324,74m/min 09:16:28.220

7. CRO-2024-06114 Ivica Torbarina Torbarina; 1324,50 m/min 09:16:29.330

8. SLO-2024-116-133 Katarina & Ivan Radovan; 1324,32m/min 09:16:29.966

9. SLO-2024-108-1412 Boris Baloh; 1324,26; 09:16:30.416

10.SLO-2024-112-5671 Marko Goranic; 1323,36 min/min 09:16:34.100


As dawn broke over the Balaton area, the clouds that had lingered in the early morning began to dissipate. This meteorological shift was crucial in deciding the optimal time for releasing the pigeons. By 7:45 AM, with the temperature slightly above 20°C—a condition favoring higher speeds—the pigeons were set free. This timing was strategically chosen to ensure the pigeons would reach their home lofts before the impending bad weather from Austria could interfere with their journey.

The success of the race was further underscored by the high number of pigeons that arrived on the first day. Out of 1,930, a total of 1,794 pigeons made it back to their home lofts before nightfall. For the remaining pigeons, their arrival on the following day was a demonstration of their resilience and adaptability.

Learning and Future Races

While the first day’s high arrival rate was cause for celebration, the subsequent return of the remaining pigeons offered valuable lessons. These birds, having faced and overcome challenges en route, would undoubtedly benefit from this experience in future races. Their ability to learn and adapt is crucial, especially as they prepare for longer and more demanding races in the future.

The low loss rate and the successful return of the majority of the pigeons underscored the event’s success. As the season progresses, these pigeons, having learned from their experiences, are expected to perform even better.

We are very happy with  the outcome of the first race in 2024. We exceed the very good results from the previous year. Now we are looking forward and prepare for the second race, from 170km. Every week will be more interesting.

We congratulate all fanciers, and for the fanciers with less luck at the first race, we wish them luck in the races to come.

AviRings Derby Team

Arrival density chart

Found 10
Speed [m/min]
Distance [km]
Season ranking
Season points
Season distance
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 09:16:47
Speed [m/min]: 1320.07
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: 96.91
Season ranking: 1
Season points: 96.91
Season distance: 121.18
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 09:18:40
Speed [m/min]: 1293.66
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: 72.49
Season ranking: 1
Season points: 72.49
Season distance: 121.18
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 09:18:48
Speed [m/min]: 1291.83
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: 71.72
Season ranking: 1
Season points: 71.72
Season distance: 121.18
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 09:19:24
Speed [m/min]: 1283.65
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: 63.37
Season ranking: 1
Season points: 63.37
Season distance: 121.18
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 09:20:20
Speed [m/min]: 1270.87
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: 45.44
Season ranking: 1
Season points: 45.44
Season distance: 121.18
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 09:34:10
Speed [m/min]: 1109.92
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: -
Season ranking: 0
Season points: -
Season distance: -
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 12:34:50
Speed [m/min]: 418.08
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: -
Season ranking: 0
Season points: -
Season distance: -
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 07:15:43
Speed [m/min]: 115.33
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: -
Season ranking: 0
Season points: -
Season distance: -
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival -
Speed [m/min]: -
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: -
Season ranking: 0
Season points: -
Season distance: -
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival -
Speed [m/min]: -
Distance [km]: 121.18
Points: -
Season ranking: 0
Season points: -
Season distance: -