Race: Race 3 (239.98 km)

Winner: Daniel Kuhar , CRO-2023-19225

Location :

HU-Euroring (46° 52' 18" - 19° 23' 16")

Number of pigeons :


Time of release :

15/08/2023 07:45:00

We face the most challenging race in this season so far. Despite the difficult conditions, the pigeons performed admirably, showcasing their endurance and resilience.

On the morning of 15.8.2023, at the location of release was a totally blue sky without any clouds. We had to wait for the release because of the danger of temperature inversion.  Pigeons were released at 7:45, the local temperature was 16 C, and there was a very slite tailwind (5km/h). Pigeons went instantly in the right direction without making even one circle.  It looks like everything is perfect. 

At the lofts, several people come to watch the arrival of the pigeons. The first group of 12 pigeons came at 10:39, with a speed of 1375 m/min; however, we soon realized that it would be a hard race, especially when the sun was coming out and shining very strong. In the period of one hour after the winner, 755 pigeons returned.  Many pigeons went down to drink. By the evening, 1.148 pigeons were back and on the morning of the next day, additional 247 pigeons came till we close the race. We hope that even more pigeons returned. 

Race 3 appears to be already an early test of endurance in extreme conditions. We put the pigeons under test with the wind of all kinds, however, this time was the intense sun and heat.  As pigeons have to manage all the challenges, and they proved this. 

We had to congratulate the winners:

1st Kuhar Daniel from Croatia CRO-19225
2nd Team Pegasus from Netherland NL-9161700
3rd Martin Dilong from Slovakia SK-0101-812  

We are very happy for Daniel Kuhar, a young fancier from Croatia, with an earnest approach to the pigeons' sport, so we are sure he has a great future. He is also the first participant from Croatia that won a race in AviRings. 

We are also very happy for Team Pegasus, dear friends from the Netherlands.  Jeron Kok and his friend brought the pigeons NL-91661700 to the AviRings loft in May by themselves, driving 13h from the Netherlands to Slovenia only to deliver the pigeons. It was worth it.

And also 3rd place, won by Martin, our new agent for Slovakia and Czech R. We are very happy for him! He achieved impressive results in his debut season with his pigeons, mostly of Verstraete origin: 9/9 home, 5 in first 33%, starting with 3.,87, 90, 169,..

Congratulations to all the winners and participants for their achievements! We go on next week with race 4 (320km). There will be again challenges for the pigeons. We want to find the best ones at the end! 

You can find more info about winning pigeons in the attached photos. 

Arrival density chart

Found 7
Speed [m/min]
Distance [km]
Season ranking
Season points
Season distance
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 11:00:17
Speed [m/min]: 1228.84
Distance [km]: 239.98
Points: 60.00
Season ranking: 3
Season points: 107.49
Season distance: 526.01
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 11:30:40
Speed [m/min]: 1063.40
Distance [km]: 239.98
Points: -
Season ranking: 2
Season points: 81.57
Season distance: 286.03
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 12:18:29
Speed [m/min]: 877.43
Distance [km]: 239.98
Points: -
Season ranking: 0
Season points: -
Season distance: -
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 12:34:32
Speed [m/min]: 828.81
Distance [km]: 239.98
Points: -
Season ranking: 1
Season points: 20.93
Season distance: 119.87
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 12:56:32
Speed [m/min]: 770.30
Distance [km]: 239.98
Points: -
Season ranking: 1
Season points: 15.01
Season distance: 166.17
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 08:25:11
Speed [m/min]: 214.23
Distance [km]: 239.98
Points: -
Season ranking: 1
Season points: 88.41
Season distance: 119.87
J H Boyd - Emeralds & Diamonds Dynasty
Arrival 08:33:52
Speed [m/min]: 212.58
Distance [km]: 239.98
Points: -
Season ranking: 0
Season points: -
Season distance: -